Cambridge EnerTech’s 14th Annual Battery Safety Summit

Battery Engineering for Safety

Battery Management Systems, Charging, Testing & Forensics

November 4-5, 2024


In this conference, the latest advancements in battery management systems and charging which are critical for controlling the complex electrochemical, thermal, and mechanical behavior of LIBs will be covered. In addition, the latest developments in testing, diagnostics, and post-incident forensics which are critical for predicting and controlling the complex electrochemical, thermal, and mechanical behavior of LIBs will be presented. With streams focusing on both chemistry and engineering for safety, the 14th Annual Battery Safety Summit will bring together the key players from around the world to present the latest R&D advancements for integrating and implementing LIB safety to meet global battery market demand.

For more details on the conference, please contact:

Craig Wohlers

Executive Director, Conferences

Cambridge EnerTech

Phone: (+1) 781-247-6260



For sponsorship information, please contact:


Companies A-Q

Sherry Johnson

Senior Business Development Manager

Cambridge EnerTech

Phone: (+1) 781-972-1359



Companies R-Z

Rod Eymael

Business Development Manager

Cambridge EnerTech

Phone: (+1) 781-247-6286
